Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of Kindergarten!

Well today was the first day of Kindergarten for N. He was not nervous at all...he was just ready to go. Mornings are going to be good for us. N is such a morning person that it just makes it so much easier for all of us. Kindergarten is from 8:45am - 11:30am. Today was a early release day and only half the class was there. The other half comes tomorrow to meet the teacher and the classroom. Then Weds will be the first day. His teacher's name is Ms. Sarah. So easy for him to remember. His friends from preschool last year I noticed are in the afternoon class, so he won't be seeing them. But he was fine with meeting new people. He just wanted people his age to play with. :-) E and I got to stay until 9:20 this morning and talk to the teacher and see his classroom. Then we left and did some grocery shopping and then went back. E was not happy leaving N there. She kept telling me I want N. So I took her for a treat of choclate milk so she didn't feel so left out. Next week we will be busy for her too with swimming lessons on Monday/Weds and tumble time on Thursdays. Just this week will be hard for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sara my friend.....
Enjoy those Kindergarten days my dear...for they will pass swiftly. I remember Brindon's so well. Busy year but oh so fun....great times for she and I both.
Glad to know that he was ready and excited! Go N!
Love and hugs,