Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Time Change is not good here!

Ok we are not liking the time change around here! As most know N is an early riser to begin with. We were to the point where he would sleep until about 6:30 and sometimes a little later. Not anymore! Yesterday it was 5:30 and this morning it was 4:45!!!! I had to tell him this morning that it was the middle of the night and too early! Finally got him back into bed (boy is he stubborn) and he was quiet until about 6am and then it was up. Of course in the course of things he always has to wake up little sister to have someone to play with after he realizes that everyone else is still sleeping. I am thinking that there will be a nap today at about 10am so that N atleast gets some sleep before tonight since I can't keep him home from school. :-)

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