Saturday, December 02, 2006

Weekend Fun

Well we are home for the weekend kids and I by ourselves. M took off yesterday for the mountains with some friends. Yesterday afternoon during E napping and N at school I wrapped the christmas presents I had laying around hidden since our tree will be here Monday (got a fake w/multi colored light finally). Anyways, the kids and I talked about how we don't touch them until Christmas. Then last night the kids and I watched Polar Express before bed. They loved it again this year.

Well come this morning and N wakes me up with something about the dog. Well he had of course woken up his sister at some point too. Well come out to the living room and N is telling me there is no black helicopter (something Santa is bringing him) to find the presents have mostly been torn open. I can guess that N was the instigator since E does not totally understand everything. So into time out and I am telling them maybe I need to take all the presents back to the store! Then N says where did the superman go (from Aunt L)...ugh! So here is guessing that we will need to keep the presents up on top of the entertainment center again (just like last year)...thought N was old enough this year. E could care less. So tonight I will spend it rewrapping everything.

So here is for a good rest of the weekend. The kids and I are hoping to get out all the Christmas decorations except for the tree stuff. So that will be nice.

Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! poor Nathan, its so hard to look and not touch! LOL

we never put anything under the tree until Christmas eve before bed, then santa comes and brings his stuff when we are all asleep! it makes it seem like there is more if your not used to seeing stuff under there everyday!