Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Update - Wedding, Strep

Well we had a great time up at the wedding. (Aug 16) It was hot for Portland but it was a great wedding! Wish we could have stayed another day. My sister and her husband are now in LA looking forward to him starting school next week and my sister looking for a job. Plus they are looking for a place to live. I still have not downloaded any of the pictures I took...ugh! But I will sometime soon I hope!

Then the week after we got home everyone around the house has been tired and just not all there. LOL Well come to find out that we had a kid over the week before the wedding that came down with strep. And I couldn't figure out why I was getting sick in the mornings and did not want to hardly eat, my glands were swollen and just plain old worn out. So went to the dr and they did the fast test and sent it off to the lab (Friday). So over the weekend I got worse so I called Monday morning and went in again thinking something had to be very wrong...well come to find out I have Strep. Well then time for everyone else to get tested plus I called my mom and texted my sister and cousin to let them know. Mom and Dad went in and sure enough they have it (little bit of a sore throat & drainage down the back of the throat). Well now both kids tested positive yesterday and M's test will be back today but he already started the meds too. It's crazy! I have never had strep in my life and M has had it only once when he was a kid. I can't believe how it spread!

N started school this week and loves it! I am glad...wasn't sure how he would be for a full day. But he loves it and now we are hoping we didn't pass on the strep to any other kids/adults!

Okay off to get some things done around here. We'll keep you updated hopefully a little better! :-)

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